It wasn’t until high school that I had a true desire to study the Bible. Looking back I suppose God was working on my heart for many years leading me to a place where it would become evident that His word would be the only thing that could breathe life in me. It became a priority and I knew I had to keep it a consistent pattern in my life. With His patient and tender hand guiding me, His word began to speak to me and I gained confidence in my walk with Him. I began to depend more on God’s word than following my own path that I had thought I had perfectly laid out for my life. Though my efforts surely fell short, I felt the Holy Spirit working within me and I began to fall in love with God’s word.

I have always desired to be part of a women’s group at church where I feel as though women can spur one another on in our faith and in reading and understanding the Bible. It has been an absolute pleasure to be part of our church’s Women’s Community Group. It is truly each woman in the group who makes me so delighted and encouraged to study the Bible. Each week we gather and open the Bible, pray with and for one another as we move through the joys and challenges of life. Someone told me once as they were commenting on our community group that each lady truly loves The Lord. And really, isn’t that what it’s all about? 

This is what is at the core and is so meaningful and keeps me coming back. It isn’t the deep theological discussions we have or the depth of knowledge of the Bible, it is the true desire to learn more about our heavenly Father whom we love. Coming with this posture gives us the freedom to ask hard questions or gives us the understanding and realization that we as humans just might not have the right answer. Our times together spark deep conversations while being guided by a Gospel centered Bible study along with a discussion workbook. It is oftentimes in our homework where revelations are made or questions surface, we then gather together and unpack what we’ve been grappling with that week.

Another important facet of our group is to really share community with one another by celebrating the births in our group, the sadness of those leaving for a new adventure in their life, or the sadness of great loss. God’s Holy Spirit resides in each woman. I have the privilege and honor to walk through life with these precious women. I know I can call on them whenever I need to, whenever I feel weak or defeated or need encouragement or a laugh. It’s rare to find this genuine community and all I can attribute this to is The Lord and his hand upon us as he carefully molds us with his tender touch. I come away feeling blessed and renewed as we study God’s word. It’s not forced or contrived, it’s real and beautiful.

I can see how our group could easily be a support group or a social club, but instead we sharpen each other with God’s Word and we bear one another’s burdens. The Bible encourages believers to gather together not to be solo worshippers. God calls us into community. This is how we will relate in heaven and I think just maybe I get a little glimpse of this at our church, something so sweet to look forward to.

I am reminded of Psalm 46:5 when I think of our Women’s Community Group: “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”

Mike Houghton