Pastor Derek Berry Will Join the Staff at THE CHAPEL!

We are overjoyed to announce that Pastor Derek Berry will be joining our church staff, serving as our first full-time Associate Pastor. Derek, who preached at THE CHAPEL on Sunday, February 7, currently serves as the Discipleship Pastor at Resurrection Church in Bakersfield. He will begin at THE CHAPEL on July 1, but he will be preaching for us and visiting Pasadena in between now and then.

Derek is married to Krystal, and they have two beautiful daughters, Neriah and Gemariah. They hail from Texas, where he was a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Sam Houston State. Derek begins his Doctor of Ministry distance studies this summer at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

As our Assistant Pastor, Derek will be sharing the preaching load with Pastor Chuck, as well as leading our Community Group and discipleship ministries.

Derek’s email is Feel free to drop him a note of encouragement. As well, get ready to help the Berrys move. A convoy of us will be traveling up to Bakersfield on a Saturday in June to pack their moving van. More details to come!

The Berry Family: Derek, Krystal, Neriah, & Gemariah

The Berry Family: Derek, Krystal, Neriah, & Gemariah

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